Unlike behavioural verification, Trusted Device Manager does not analyse user behaviour and habits, but the device components themselves. Device Fingerprinting is a type of data library that runs on all web browsers and analyses the components of every device connected to a given system – computers, laptops, phones or tablets.
Device Fingerprinting collects very detailed information about all devices on a system. These include:
In this way, each piece of hardware is given its own “label”- it is recognised by the system and monitored in the context of potentially dangerous activities. It is also worth mentioning that the data library not only collects this information, but also updates it. Replacement of a graphics card with a newer model in a given device will be remembered and saved as a component update.
On this basis, Device Fingerprinting is able to identify with 99% accuracy whether actions are performed by the owner, or whether there has been interference from third parties.
Read our blog post on Device Fingerprinting if you want to learn more
Digital Fingerprints S.A. ul. Gliwicka 2, 40-079 Katowice. KRS: 0000543443, Sąd Rejonowy Katowice-Wschód, VIII Wydział Gospodarczy, Kapitał zakładowy: 4 528 828,76 zł – opłacony w całości, NIP: 525-260-93-29
Biuro Informacji Kredytowej S.A., ul. Zygmunta Modzelewskiego 77a, 02-679 Warszawa. Numer KRS: 0000110015, Sąd Rejonowy m.st. Warszawy, XIII Wydział Gospodarczy, kapitał zakładowy 15.550.000 zł opłacony w całości, NIP: 951-177-86-33, REGON: 012845863.
Biuro Informacji Gospodarczej InfoMonitor S.A., ul. Zygmunta Modzelewskiego 77a, 02-679 Warszawa. Numer KRS: 0000201192, Sąd Rejonowy m.st. Warszawy, XIII Wydział Gospodarczy, kapitał zakładowy 7.105.000 zł opłacony w całości, NIP: 526-274-43-07, REGON: 015625240.